Ad Límitum / FITEC 2019

A musician little accustomed to normality, instruments that come to life and circus madness. A mast, pianos and other original instruments that generate live music and unusual, epic and stupid images, all seasoned with a good dose of circus adrenaline. Are you ready to rock?

Company: Mario Comaneci (Spain – Toledo).



Art-FITEC. Getafe Crafts Market / FITEC 2019

Tribute 5th Centenary First Terrestrial Circumnavigation

This year 2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of one of the most important events for humanity: The beginning of the trip that would go around the world for the first time in history. Funded by the Spanish Crown and captained by Fernando de Magallanes, and under the command of Juan Sebastián Elcano on his return, he completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth in history.

To commemorate this fact, the traditional Art-FITEC Market, becomes a splendid Renaissance Market that moves the pedestrians and spectators of the FITEC to the time of Juan Sebastián Elcano and Fernando de Magallanes, and of so many anonymous heroes who participated in this deed.

Organize: Destellos de Historia – Eventos Bayarri – Ayuntamiento de Getafe

On August 1...


El Pirata Barba / FITEC 2019

For a long time the Lord of Mirabet and the Pirata Barba are faced by the map of a supposed treasure. They dedicate their days to persecute themselves and make life impossible, until they realize a surprising reality that they are about to discover… In the Columbretes islands this secret will be revealed and they will discover the true treasure.

1st Prize EuroPuppetFestiValsesia 2017- Italy

Company: Xarop Teatre (Spain – Castellón)

Official Pr...


On the Road / FITEC 2019

Urban plastic intervention of this Italian artist. Fabiola Branca will develop during the days in which the FITEC Festival is held in Getafe, a pictorial exhibition related to the theme to which this year we dedicate the Festival: The dare to set sail for new goals, new dreams. Transversally we will discuss the theme of the female world, so present in the work of Federico García Lorca, which this year marks the anniversary of his arrival in Madrid.

Company: Fabiola Branca (Italy)


El Diccionario de las Maravillas / FITEC 2019

“Poetry is not distraction, but concentration, not a substitute for life, but illumination of being, not clarity of understanding, but truth of feeling.” Poems and songs by various authors. The Dictionary, a great book that presides over the scene offers us the words; The poet elaborates a language. An excerpt from this Spanish poetry show.

Company: El Balcón de la Calle de la Luna (Spain – Madrid)

Official Pr...


INside / FITEC 2019

INside is a piece in which dance, design and painting dialogue. The various artistic approaches involved share their ephemeral nature on stage. “INside” reflects the functioning of the creative process of an artist who manages to free himself from the weight of superficiality and start a melee with himself. An exercise of inner revelation that extols the least visible of the senses and wraps the unknowns of intimacy that every creation project requires.

Company: Lara Padilla (Spain – Madrid)

Official Program


8 Km en Mula / FITEC 2019

A chronicle of events, a real event occurred on the night of July 22, 1928 in the Cortijo del Fraile in Níjar, Almería, served as an inspiration to Federico García Lorca for the creation of his work “Bodas de Sangre”. A forbidden love in a society that keeps up appearances. An instinctive force that tends to irrational union opposing, without seeking it, social conventionalism. On her wedding day a bride escapes with her lover. The groom follows them and the outcome takes place, the rivals stab each other, causing death in both.

Company: Álvaro Murillo (Spain – Cáceres)

Official Program


Plan Infantil (Sept. 23, 2019)

FITEC 2019 Navalcarnero


Star FITEC 2019 – XXII edition

Opening Borders…

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore”… Christopher Columbus

Tolili says…

After reading an article in which it was said that: “the first round the world is perhaps the greatest maritime adventure of all time, a technical and human feat whose drama exceeds the limits of the imagination”, I began to reflect on the place where we stand every day, as men and women, involved in this world in which we live, and how responsible we are for our successes and mistakes, the feat of those, invites us to consider what we want and how much we are willing to leave our comfort zone, to change what we don’t like.

And just like Victoria nao, it unites the great oceans of the earth; and definitively closes the image and dimensions of the world and man becomes real aware of the planet in which he lives, where from then on, the borders would already be others, so we must also propose to perform these feats differently…

The search for forming a FITEC is born, whose limits expand to different locations in a need to bring, to the greatest amount of public, our know-how…

He kept reading that: “The first trip around the world is the symbol of an era in which the will, the audacity and the desire to know of man are imposed on fear and the unknown, but it is also a symbol of the attitude of the man of every time, facing the challenges of exploration”.

We want to infect and spread this spirit to walk together along this new path…

In short, we take that first round the world as a metaphor for all those ideas, to go one step further, in the challenges of man… so we dare to start walking… do you accompany us?

You can access more information through the following links*





II Human Statues Meeting / Pinto (Madrid)

Summed in their enigmatic stillness, they are a fashionable phenomenon in many cities of the world, causing a sensation of mystery, alien to the movement of the street, apparently absent from reality. On Sunday, April 22, you can find them in the Parque del Egido of Pinto (Madrid)… Do not forget that if they are your favorite, thank your contribution of some coins with a slight furtive greeting.

