Alpargata Concert / FITEC 2017

EN - Alpargata / ConciertoMusic that includes styles like rumba, rock, progressive, cumbia and swing… With an incendiary attitude on stage, where they manage to create an explosive mix of music, theater and improvisation.

Company: Alpargata (Spain – Madrid).

Official Pr...


Fiebre del Sábado Noche / FITEC 2017

EN - Birloque Producciones / Fiebre Sábado Noche 2Parade themed Disco 80s. Village People themes, Boney M, Bee Gees… The band consists of a quintet of music (trumpet, saxophone, trombone, keyboard and box) with a car with musical bases directed by a character-actor. They are also accompanied by 3 giant puppets.

Company: Birloque Producciones (Spain – Cantabria).

Official Program


Saṃsārí (Dans Off Proyect) / FITEC 2017

EN - David Vento (Primario) / Saṃsārí‘Flowing together’, ‘passing through different states’, ‘wandering’. Saṃsāra is the cycle of birth, life, death and incarnation or rebirth in the philosophical traditions of India and other ancient philosophical religions. The person subject to the Saṃsāra is called Saṃsāri. A piece that fuses dance and acrobatics, where it is reflected as the object (Cyr wheel) adopts different characters depending on the space suggested by the music. And how to transmit the architecture of this space using the three elements involved: The Wheel, music and body.

Company: Asociación Primario – David Vento (Spain – Madrid).

David Vento is a dancer, acrobat and choreograp...


Vida (Dans Off Proyect) / FITEC 2017

EN - Pepa Cabezas (Primario) / Vida“No woman is born: one comes to be” Simone de Beauvoir. The main component of the piece is the struggle for freedom… Out of the most complete darkness, the woman is immersed in a new learning full of contradictory feelings, blockages, misunderstandings, longing for not knowing… And time passes, AND SUFFER , AND DOES, AND LEAVES… and discovers a new life… a new freedom…

Company: Asociación Primario – Pepa Cabezas (Spain – Madrid)

Official Program

Space: Patio I

Performances: Sept...


¡Vaya Circo! / FITEC 2017

EN - Kanbahiota Trup / Vaya Circo¡Vaya Circo! is a spectacle for all audiences in which two characters see the tranquility of their lives altered, in an old and neglected circus, by the arrival of an artist with airs of grandeur ready to carry out a show full of humor and emotion. Unintentionally they will unite with a single purpose, to carry out the function. Improvised artists that will make us laugh and enjoy all the charm of the circus, with Korean poses, acrobatics, trapeze, cyr ring and many more surprises that will make us enjoy and thrill… with ¡Vaya Circo!

Company: Kanbahiota Trup (Spain – Madrid).

Official Program


Nana’s Games / FITEC 2017

When Nana plays with the children, she creates a world of characters that interact with the little ones.

Company: Nana Títeres (Spain – Madrid)



El Pirata Barba / FITEC 2017

For a long time the Lord of Mirabet and the Pirata Barba are faced by the map of a supposed treasure. They dedicate their days to persecute themselves and make life impossible, until they realize a surprising reality that they are about to discover… In the Columbretes islands this secret will be revealed and they will discover the true treasure.

1st Prize EuroPuppetFestiValsesia 2017- Italy

Company: Xarop Teatre (Spain – Castellón).

Official Pr...


Periplo Variete / FITEC 2017

Periplo Variete is a musical full of humor, where improvisation with the public is fundamental. The cast of this Variete is composed of realistic wire puppets that interact among them: the four of Liverpool, TitiriBeatles; A Jazz Diva, Ella; A provocative Rock pianist, Jack; An apprentice of clown, Blonde and an acrobat cat, the delight of all children, Mr. Cat.

Company: Periplo Marionetas (Spain – Madrid)



Street’s Theatre Workshops / FITEC 2017

EN - Piruleta 7mas2 / Talleres Teatrales en CalleSpace for fun and educational leisure focused on the theatrical world, for children from 2 to 12 years without forgetting the adults who accompany. They will be able to develop their creativity and enjoy original and fun activities, always based on the Theater.

Organizatión: Piruleta 7 más 2 (Spain – Madrid).



La Magia Extrema de Víctor Cerro / FITEC 2017

EN - Victor Cerro / Magia ExtremaThroughout two shows Victor Cerro, a magician specializing in extreme magic, will put your heart in a fist as he faces a path between anti-people mines, a crystal hell and the “Angel of Death” a terrifying mechanical behemoth.

Company: Victor Cerro (Spain – Cáceres).

Official Program

