Saṃsārí (Dans Off Proyect) / FITEC 2017

EN - David Vento (Primario) / Saṃsārí‘Flowing together’, ‘passing through different states’, ‘wandering’. Saṃsāra is the cycle of birth, life, death and incarnation or rebirth in the philosophical traditions of India and other ancient philosophical religions. The person subject to the Saṃsāra is called Saṃsāri. A piece that fuses dance and acrobatics, where it is reflected as the object (Cyr wheel) adopts different characters depending on the space suggested by the music. And how to transmit the architecture of this space using the three elements involved: The Wheel, music and body.

Company: Asociación Primario – David Vento (Spain – Madrid).

David Vento is a dancer, acrobat and choreographer specialized in Bboying, with extensive professional experience. National and international champion, he has represented Spain in the most important events in the world in Korea, USA, UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Italy… He currently works at Teatro Real in Madrid, performs sporadic works for Cirque Du Soleil, Bakuza Circus, Circle Of Trust, Circonnect, as an interpreter and artistic director.

Official Program

Performances: Sept.30, 2017 at 7:30 pm.

Space: Patio I.

Duration: 10′ / All Audiences.