Paradapara2 / FITEC 2018

Losing a bus can be a setback or the beginning of a fun adventure. Paradapara2 narrates the adventures of two particular characters in their desire to take a bus. Everyday scenes that are transformed into truly chaotic situations that will make them lose their papers… and the bus.

* Show awarded with the prize for the best show at the XIV INTERNATIONAL STREET THEATER EXHIBITION “CIUDAD DE PALENCIA” and awarded as the winning company in the “MINÍVAGOS” section within the V NOCTIVAGOS STREET THEATER CEREMONY (Oropesa de Toledo)

Company: Que te Den Teatro (Spain – Ávila).

Official Program

Space: Plaza RENFE...


Cristal de Aire en Flor / FITEC 2018

It is a theatrical show, almost unipersonal, where different body languages ​​are fused (dance, aikido, iaido), songs in different languages ​​and the structuring text of the whole show is the myth of Psyche and Eros, version of the “Golden Ass” from Apuleyo. The poetic texts and the songs reflect the journey starting from a gender perspective and go from the emblematic figure of a geisha and the different ruptures that the woman has made in her awareness among the illusions-mandates-survival-contemporary difficulties between the working life and the idea of ​​romanticism.

Company: Grabiela Grosso (Argentina)

Official Pr...


Puppet Workshop / FITEC 2018

A great Workshop of creation and manipulation of puppets of the hand of our always unconditional Nana.

Company: Nana Títeres (Spain – Madrid)



4×4! Circus Show / FITEC 2018

Little Testa embarks on a journey through its fantastic world, where spectacular circus numbers are combined with physical theater, contemporary dance and improvisation in a clown key. A universe of humor and physical prowess in equal parts, where the participation of the public is essential. Little arrives with a trunk full of strange objects: strange glasses, metal buckets, 3 diabolos and a fishing rod. He dances with the diabolos, fights against the cubes and rises to the sky in incredible verticals…

Company: Little Testa (Spain – Barcelone).

Official Pr...


2 Payasos / FITEC 2018

Macarroni and Woody are 2 Clowns. Two clowns who come to make people laugh, to play with the audience and to make each other’s lives impossible, evoking the most classic clowns. After his tremendous start, Macarroni and Woody can not agree on who of the two leads the show in this show. A funny spectacle for all audiences, full of mischiefs like those that these two clowns have been doing for so many years in which there is no lack of imagination, hypnotism and circus.

Company: Clownbaret (Spain – Tenerife)

Official Pr...


Hola Vida / FITEC 2018

Hola Vida is a work where babies from 0 to 5 years travel through a world full of sensations and stimuli. The sweetness, love and love are the thread of this show. Through visual and sound elements, children and adults are trapped.

Company: Tatira (Spain – Madrid)



Cuentos de Nana / FITEC 2018

When Nana plays with children, she creates a world of characters that interact with the little ones, in this way she converts inanimate beings into living characters full of emotions.

Company: Nana Títeres (Spain – Madrid)



Violonchelo / FITEC 2018

The Reina Sofía School of Music was formed at the Violoncello Chair with Professor Ivan Monighetti. He offers us solo pieces of cello enlivened with delicate poetry.

Company: Paula Brizuela (Spain – Madrid)



Anda que no ni ná / FITEC 2018

A somewhat atypical mother-in-law capable of hanging from the curtains, a widowed mother who sings and stomps with flamenco character and a teenage son who dances distractedly and reluctantly with his grandmother are the protagonists of this singular house. The story unfolds in the living room of a typical Andalusian home of the 70s and in it everyday situations such as cleaning the house, napping or reading a comic are transformed into moments of virtuosity and humor where everything is possible, even blowing up a sofa.

Company: La Petite Producciones (Spain – Granada).



Un Chiflado Irreverente / FITEC 2018

In this show we can see from the most classic effects to the most contemporary within the field of magic and all mixed with clown techniques, which enhance a clueless, jocular and above all crazy character. It is a character just out of the asylum that will try to amaze the public at all costs. In the process he finds his inner world and discovers his abilities, getting more and more complicated magic effects, even some juggling with balls. The show consists of different very visual magic routines being very impressive for the little ones accompanied by visual comedy and a great sense of humor that will make the older ones laugh. You never know for sure what is going to happen, anything can happen due to the continuous participation of the public and the large dose of improvisation.

Company: Joaco Showman (Spain – Madrid).

