I Human Statues Meeting / Pinto (Madrid)

Summed in their enigmatic stillness, they are a fashionable phenomenon in many cities of the world, causing a sensation of mystery, alien to the movement of the street, apparently absent from reality. On Saturday, December 22, you can find them in the Plaza Constitución and Calle Hospital of Pinto (Madrid)… Do not forget that if they are your favorite, thank your contribution of some coins with a slight furtive greeting.



Entrevista de Trabajo / FITEC 2018

IT search engine: company, would be and responsible, looking for qualified personnel with more than thirty years of experience and advanced knowledge of quantum physics and reverse psychology. “Call us”.

Company: Menudos Artistas (Spain – Madrid).

Official Program


Casi Fama / FITEC 2018

“Fame costs and this is where you are going to pay with sweat” says Professor Lidia Grant. But it still costs more on television.

Company: Menudos Artistas (Spain – Madrid).

Official Program


Crédito en el Banco / FITEC 2018

In times of crisis the need tightens and banks receive thousands of requests for credits. But in these times you never know what can happen to you: get a credit, or take a full set of dishes.

Company: Menudos Artistas (Spain – Madrid).



Los Dos Chorlitos / FITEC 2018

It is a show created in 2014, which collects characteristics of the traditional clown with the most modern and current hooligan Clown. It is a dynamic show full of musical, magical and circus routines. The ClaClowns embaucaran the whole family with the charm of the classic circus clowns of a lifetime and impress them with their diabolo routines, acrobatics, magic and physical comedy. The show has been programmed by the Diputación de Ávila within its Summer Program, and also within the Big Fair of Don Benito and Fiestas del Lucero, among other events.

Company: ClaClowns (Spain – Madrid).



El País de las Maravillas / FITEC 2018

The characters from the fantastic Wonderland land in Cubas de la Sagra, where our friend Alicia, funny and dreamer, helped by Mr. Rabbit and the Mad Hatter to keep at bay the haughty Queen of Hearts and her peculiar mania to go cutting heads left and right…

Company: Teatro Destellos (Spain – Madrid).



Delicias de un Sueño / FITEC 2018

Through the well-known work of EL BOSCO, we enter the world of the dreams of children. We will discover fantastic beings, strange and funny characters, we will play giving life to the objects, awakening emotions and transferring us to the oneiric world that is presented to us in the painting The Garden of Earthly Delights. All the elements with which we work is an interpretation of the images that appear in the original picture.

Show made in collaboration with the education area of the MUSEO NACIONAL DEL PRADO in 2016/2017 in relation to the exhibition of El Bosco

Company: Ñas Teatro (Spain – Madrid).



Human Statues Meeting / Templo de Debod (Madrid)

Summed in their enigmatic stillness, they are a fashionable phenomenon in many cities of the world, causing a sense of mystery, alien to the movement of the street, seemingly absent from reality. On Sunday October 28 you can find them in the Temple of Debod of Madrid… Do not forget that if they are of your pleasure, thank your contribution of some coins with a slight sneak.



Madrid Human Statues Meeting Call

The F.I.T.E.C. (International Street Theater Festival), counting on the coordination of Teatro Destellos Company, we will once again hold the Human Statues Meeting, of Moncloa-Aravaca district of Madrid city.

The meeting will be held on October 28, 2018, in a single day, and will have a minimum duration of an hour and a half, showing a total of 10 Human Statues that will be selected from among all the proposals that reach us.

Getafe Radio (Oct.5, 2018)

Icono Getafe Radio

Teatro Destellos clarifies what and who is FITEC
