Art-FITEC. Crafts Market / FITEC 2016

EN - Cervantes & Shakespeare

Tribute to Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare on the 5th Centenary of their death

Cervantina and Shakespearean Animation. It is the essential ingredient of Tematic Market that this edition is dedicated Art-FITEC. The animation will be held throughout the three days. The interventions will be developed between the public as Passacaglia and also incorporating characters that can be recognized as coming out of Cervantes’ novel. The music will also be an important point of the atmosphere, will fill the space with surround sounds with instruments from other eras.

While performing all these activities the actors seek the complicity of the audience and craftsmen, are the other “active” part of the show. Acts of the time, moments of everyday life that will transport the audience to a past, in a fun and fantasy proposed by the ingenious Don Miguel and the famous William.

Organizes: Teatro Destellos – Balconet – Ayuntamiento Getafe.

Art-FITEC Program

Timetable: ...


Cadena Ser (Sept.30, 2016)

Estopa, Yllana, FITEC or baroque fair: end not to get bored


Noticias para Municipios (Sept.30, 2016)

21 theater performances, circus, dance or music on the first day of FITEC 2016


Cadena Ser (Sept.29, 2016)

The theater, on the street


Butoh Dance Workshop with Valeria Geremia / FITEC 2016

The FITEC within its objective of promoting the performing arts world, launched this year a new training space within the Entre-Espacios program. this time with Butoh Dance Wordshop 3 hours with Valeria Geremia (Italy).

The seminar is open to all, it does not require previous experience in dance, no age limits. It is oriented not only dancers, but all those who want to make a path of research and emotional and artistic experimentation.


Getafe Capital (Sept.29, 2016)

Getafe Capital Icon

Lights, camera, action… begins FITEC

EN - Getafe Capital 20160929



Noticias para Municipios (Sept.29, 2016)

Presentation of height for the FITEC, which starts tomorrow with more than 70 performances


Getafe Capital (Sept.27, 2016)

Getafe Capital Icon

Culture is called


La Carpa con FITEC / FITEC 2016

EN - La Carpa / ExposiciónThirty-two artists from the Carpa exposed photographs of works related to the theme of FITEC (music, dance, theatre) in the streetlights Madrid Getafe, forming a decorated background to the activities planned in its 2016 edition.

Organizatión: La Carpa (Spain – Madrid).



Getafe Radio (Sept.23, 2016)

Getafe Radio Icon

It’s here the FITEC

EN - Getafe Radio 20160923

On 3...
