Repertorio / FITEC 2011

Repertoire of different formations and bands of the Municipal School of Music Master Gombau of Getafe.

Company: Escuela Mpal. de Música Maestro Gombau (Spain – Madrid).



Aire Show / FITEC 2011

Innovative circus, a Chinese pole 5 meters high, a bucket, a microphone and wearing overalls, clown Ivan Alone, transforms the performance space involving the public to achieve its goal: to build a circus air and offer his wild final number. A show without words, where is the absurdity of the clown acrobat virtuosity.

Company: Iván Alonso Circoactivo (Spain – Madrid).



The Bio Object Project / FITEC 2011

“The Bio Object” is a portable theater, a structure designed as a sculptural piece where, for 4 hours, Polish artists make a sample of contemporary visual art of his country.

Company: The Centre for Culture in Lublin (Poland).

Official Pr...


Piccolo Camerino / FITEC 2011

A magic show seen through the eyes of a clown: A clown dressed person is late for his show. The dressing room is behind the stage and the audience waiting. He would have to be changed, but now will not leave the scene. How did you manage to dress in front of so many people? Fortunately, in your suitcase it is a world.

Company: Adrián Conde (Spain – Asturias).



Viaje a Tamar / FITEC 2011

There was a long lost city called Tamar Long ago. There have been many who have tried to find her but nobody has yet managed to reach. Various stories motivate our characters to get into the adventure of reaching this “distant” and mysterious city…

Company: Baby Jane (Spain – Madrid).

Official Program



Natura / FITEC 2011

Large-scale show. Combining different theatrical and circus techniques with special effects design, which sublimate the senses of the viewer. Each box has its own life stage without sobering claims. Natura is poetry through the evocation of images and compositions with the human body and objects. A poetic language that addresses the unsustainable relationship between man and the biosphere with a clear message ecologist and naturalist.

Company: Teatrapo (Spain – Badajoz).



Tres Reyes y un Simple / FITEC 2011

Puppets involved in different animation techniques in this work we can find, Marotes, Puppets, Esperpentos, or simply animated objects. It composed of two scripts: The first is entitled “Por una Flor” and the second “La Mordida“.

Company: Tesis Teatro (Colombia).

Official Program



La Captura / FITEC 2011

Itinerant show for the whole family with a fantastic realm characters in addition to transport us to an imaginary world, teaches us that no one should use fear to subject the weakest.

Company: Nana Títeres (Spain – Madrid).



Barton Fink / FITEC 2011

The theater and cinema have always gone hand in hand. The first movies were filmed theater. Today, both arts have a very different relationship. Movie Barton Fink by the Coen brothers, tells the story of a playwright hired by Hollywood. After the film, there will be a symposium in which experts from the world of cinema and theater in which all participants can intervene.

Company: Radio Ritmo (Spain – Madrid).



Circopablo / FITEC 2011

The man who could order the chaos that he creates has come at last. Admired for them, coveted by them, loved by all children, with you… the man who can entertain and impress with style by perfectly messy numbers.

Company: Circo Sonámbulos (Italy / Spain).

