Agridulce / FITEC 2015

A thrilling adventure with two hilarious characters, told through several interwoven stories relentlessly that do not let you blink. They use the Breakdancing, comedy, theater and pantomime as scenic languages, and they engage the audience into the story.

Company: Umami (Spain / France)


El Bosque del Fin del Mundo / FITEC 2015

A naive hiker looking “End of the World Forest”. A ranger has a unique mission: to protect the last tree. The meeting fosters both a fun and crazy dialogue, which reveal a not so distant future a possible reality. Key comedy theater of the absurd, which leaves to light, many of the problems with which humans have to deal to resolve the current state of our planet.

Company: Epa! Juglares (Spain – Madrid).

Official Program


Musica, Cámara y Acción / FITEC 2015

Simón García and Francisco Palazón / Music, Camera and ActionShow that uses the universal language of the music to bring in “another way” the concept of classical instruments all eyes and ears. Through a brief but fun journey through the different stages of history.

Company: Simón García and Francisco Palazón (Spain – Madrid).

Official Program


Máximo Óptimo / FITEC 2015

Maximo Optimo / Maximo OptimoA new concept of humor and circus, a cool show, where the best numbers and the most hilarious gags of this artist who makes you laugh while coalesce that moves.

Company: Máximo Óptimo (Spain – Madrid).



Historias para crecer / FITEC 2015

Magica Mente Mutante / Stories to GrowMix a little poetry, a bit of dance, a tablespoon of puppets and lots of fun. And you get the stories of “The Enchanted charming” that will take us to the exotic India, and “Shine” passion for Skate. Stories to grow and widen the smile and heart.

Company: Magica Mente Mutante (Spain – Madrid).

Off-FITEC Program



Art-FITEC. Crafts Market / FITEC 2015

ART-FITEC. Traditionally, a space dedicated FITEC artisans creators of itinerant life, are small companies, freelancers, artists… and it is in places like the Festival, where they generate their economy. The Art-FITEC is colorful frame the streets of our city an interesting meeting of artisans and creators of illusions, a different show of shapes, textures and curiosities. We marvel increasingly showing us their work and their mastery of raw materials, which it is impossible for us to think. In addition to mingle Hostelry and Food stops that will frame this market making “A Feast of the Senses”.

Company: Teatro Destellos – Balconet – Ayuntamiento de Getafe.

Art-FITEC Program

Timetable: ...


Info-Itinerantes / FITEC 2015

Piruleta 7mas2 - InfoitinerantsEccentric and peculiar pair of informants Festival, walking the main street of the city, on foot and horseback, welcoming residents and visitors. And keep in their heads all the surprises that you have saved this year… You dare to ask?

Company: Piruleta 7 más 2 (Spain – Madrid).

Official Pr...


Cuentos y Juegos de Nana / FITEC 2015

Nana Puppet / Nana Tales and GamesWhen Nana opens a book, they are not just sheets of paper with writing, but its pages out of a world of fun characters interacting with kids and make them part of the magic of these tales.

Company: Nana Títeres (Spain – Madrid).



Que hablen las Paredes / FITEC 2015

Coolturearte / That speak the wallsDuring the three days of the Festival, vinyl will be installed in the walls of the city, thus providing a more direct and visual culture approach to neighbors Getafe… Find them !!!

Organizatión: Coolturearte Getafe (Spain – Madrid).

Parallel Ar...

>> (Sept.25, 2015)

FITEC and the political rope
