El Bosque del Fin del Mundo / Street Artists Aranda 2018

A naive hiker looking “End of the World Forest”. A ranger has a unique mission: to protect the last tree. The meeting fosters both a fun and crazy dialogue, which reveal a not so distant future a possible reality. Key comedy theater of the absurd, which leaves to light, many of the problems with which humans have to deal to resolve the current state of our planet.

Company: Epa! Juglares (Spain – Madrid).

Street Artists Me...


Magia Potagia Pata de Cabra / Street Artists Aranda 2018

Alicia wants to do wonders and become a star. When she wants to do magic, she turns out to be more pious than magician. He is telepathic with telepathy and practices a very elementary mentalism. Her great illusion for being an illusionist turns her into an illusion and if she plays at being fakir, she will end up in pain. A show in clown key where the language of gesture over words prevails.

Company: Alicia Maravillas (Spain – Valladolid).



Patty Diphussa, Hartista Contenporánea / Street Artists Aranda 2018

It is a comedy show which includes skills such as balloon twisting, chemical magic, acrobatics, music and now… tap dancing! It is a show full of energy and good vibrations. The search for a particular artist looking for the Total Artwork in an increasingly frantic and craziest race. Getting stronger, higher and higher, until reaching the Grand Final: make a box, upside down, two meters high and with the mouth.

Company: Patty Diphussa (Spain – La Coruna).

Street Artists M...


Human Statues Meeting / Templo de Debod (Madrid)

Summed in their enigmatic stillness, they are a fashionable phenomenon in many cities of the world, causing a sense of mystery, alien to the movement of the street, seemingly absent from reality. On Sunday December 10 you can find them in the Temple of Debod of Madrid… Do not forget that if they are of your pleasure, thank your contribution of some coins with a slight sneak.



Human Statues Meeting / Templo de Debod (Madrid)

Summed in their enigmatic stillness, they are a fashionable phenomenon in many cities of the world, causing a sense of mystery, alien to the movement of the street, seemingly absent from reality. On Sunday November 19 you can find them in the Temple of Debod of Madrid… Do not forget that if they are of your pleasure, thank your contribution of some coins with a slight sneak.



Human Statues Meeting / Templo de Debod (Madrid)

Summed in their enigmatic stillness, they are a fashionable phenomenon in many cities of the world, causing a sense of mystery, alien to the movement of the street, seemingly absent from reality. On Sunday October 22 you can find them in the Temple of Debod of Madrid… Do not forget that if they are of your pleasure, thank your contribution of some coins with a slight sneak.



Surcando Madrid (Sept.30, 2017)

FITEC 20th Anniversary: Theater and Art in the streets of Getafe


Crónica (Oct.2, 2017)

The XX edition of FITEC filled the streets of Getafe theater, circus and magic


Danza Oriental y Fusión Tribal / FITEC 2017

EN - Raks Samadhi / Danza Oriental y Fusión TribalTwo very different styles of dance but with one element in common: the Oriental Dance. The Oriental Dance is a dance that combines traditional elements from the Middle East along with others from North Africa. It is characterized by its smooth and fluid movements, dissociating and coordinating at the same time the different parts of the body. The Tribal Fusion style is defined by picking up movements and symbols from multiple disciplines and passing them through their sieve to make them their own. It merges West and East. It appropriates music of all kinds and from all over the world and goes through aesthetics and environments very diverse exotic, mystical, contemporary, urban… It is one of the most creative and flexible dances of these moments.

Company: Raks Samadhi (Spain – Madrid).

Official Pr...


Salida de Emergencia in Concert / FITEC 2017

Pop and Rock Group of the Municipal School of Music “Maestro Gombau”. Salida de Emergencia in Concert is a combination of various musical styles such as rock, soul, funk and electronic music.

Company: Salida de Emergencia (Spain – Madrid)

Official Program
