Hábitus Mundi / FITEC 2011

Where lives the temptation, up, down? These monks are going to find in the street. Habitus Mundi, want to be a casual entertainment, without intent to hurt feelings, and for the sole purpose that the audience has a good time, forget it, for about an hour, the harsh reality.

Company: Producciones Nacho Vilar (Spain – Murcia).



Sola en la Ciudad / FITEC 2011

It is neither heaven nor blue, Sudiku, Follow and Durme Durme.

Company: Maayan Erez (Israel / Spain).


Amebo / FITEC 2011

Cuddly and fun show for the whole family, in which a giant puppet called Amebo, discover your surroundings and and plays with reality, thanks to sympathetic characters who accompany him titiriobreros, they make the town look at our world with look. Music, poetry and revelry.

Company: Gozarte (Spain – Guadalajara).



El Vídeo de Mr. Loren / FITEC 2011

Clown show in the street juggling. Mr. Loren faces all the risks that their eccentric circumstances and appliances and water will cause us all viewers can not help but laugh.

Company: Artea – Mr. Loren (Spain – Zaragoza).

Official Pr...


Entomo / FITEC 2011

Under the lens of a magnifying glass look at the relationship between two small human beings they may perhaps insects, which are governed by the territoriality actually free of meanings.

Company: EA&AE (Spain – Madrid).

Official ...


Circo Claudicante / FITEC 2011

Maybe a little intellectual circus because only you can fully understand its meaning, if we know the etimoligia word “claudicante” coming from Latin lame. A female circus strong and comically delicately sensual.

Company: Circo Sonámbulos (Italy / Spain).

Off-FITEC P...


A Fuego Lento / FITEC 2011

This show is like a recipe. Keep good ingredients and good utensils and humor and juggling are mixed in proportions that seek to generate pleasure and enjoyment.

Company: Javi Malabares (Spain – Madrid).



Estados / FITEC 2011

Actual circus show in which three people, united by a family relationship, face a state that haunts each feeling its being what they are. Proposal full of beautiful and candid images that do not leave indifferent innovative language.

Company: DeMenteS (Spain – Madrid).



Bene o Male / FITEC 2011

Bene o Male” It means “for better or for worse”. Incredible, the female lead, with style and elegance, does everything well. Fatal, the male lead, putting good will and concentration, everything is bad. But, still they manage to deliver accurate and coordinated choreography of juggling.

Company: Circo Sonámbulos (Italy / Spain).

Off-FITEC Program



getafenoticias.com (Sept.28, 2011)

The XVI edition of the International Street Theatre Festival with shows, craft fairs, food and jazz
