4×4! Circus Show / FITEC 2018

Little Testa embarks on a journey through its fantastic world, where spectacular circus numbers are combined with physical theater, contemporary dance and improvisation in a clown key. A universe of humor and physical prowess in equal parts, where the participation of the public is essential. Little arrives with a trunk full of strange objects: strange glasses, metal buckets, 3 diabolos and a fishing rod. He dances with the diabolos, fights against the cubes and rises to the sky in incredible verticals…

Company: Little Testa (Spain – Barcelone).

Official Program

Space: Plaza RENFE / Getafe 

Performances: Sept.30, 2018 at 1:00 pm.

Space: Plaza Palacio / Getafe 

Performances: Sep.30, 2018 at 6:00 pm.

Duration: 40′ / All Audiences.

“4×4” is a show of small format and full of surprises, with an excellent technique of verticals, diabolos, clown improvisation and an incredible trick with the participation of 3 public volunteers.